Name: Laurie Taylor
Hometown: Basingstoke, Great Britain
Age: 21
Sport: Alpine skiing
Years in the sport: 12
How did you get started in your sport?
I started skiing when I was 6 on dryslope before a holiday in Canada. But I first got in to ski racing at the age of 9 when I joined the aldershot ski race team ( a dryslope racing team) and I loved it. I then got invited out to train with the British ski academy where it all started.
Goals for this upcoming year/season?
The main goal is to keep reducing the world ranking and score europa cup points.
Favourite athlete?
Jason Paul. He’s a free runner from Germany. I love watching his videos.
If you were not an athlete, what would you be doing?
I love making videos so I would be a film maker.
Film making and Free running
Favourite band/artist?
Rory Kramer (videographer)
What’s a typical day of training look like?
Up at 6.00, breakfast and get ready for pick up by the coaches at 7.00.
We are usually on the mountain for around 3-4 hours for some free skiing and runs through the gates.
In the afternoon there’s usually time for a quick nap… then preparing our equipment for the next day, a fitness session and recovery.
I’m being ambitious when I say there’s time for a nap 😂 It’s usually pretty busy.
What would people be surprised to learn about you?
I lived in New Zealand for 3 and a half years.
Any pre-competition rituals?
I have a training diary I go through and I like to watch World Cup skiing video.
Favourite movie and tv series?
Kung fu panda 1,2 and 3
Training fuel?
I like to take muesli bars on the hill…. but my weakness is pancakes
Result you’re most proud of?
33rd in the 2017 St Moritz world champs slalom.
Anyone you would like to thank?
I’d like to thank all the coaches that have helped me along my path and especially the British ski academy where I trained for most of my racing life. My family who have supported from the beginning.
I couldn’t have done it without my sponsors:
Sky scanner
British Ski Academy https://www.britskiacad.org.uk/
Ace the space design http://acethespace.co.uk/
Fischer https://www.fischersports.com/nl_de/
Uvex safety group http://www.uvex-safety.co.uk/en/
Leki Uk https://www.leki.com/uk/
Reusch http://www.reusch.com/
Body Barrier http://bodybarrier.co.uk/
Saxx underwear https://www.saxxunderwear.com/ca-en/
Racer ready magazine http://racer-ready.co.uk/
Find Laurie on Social Media:
Website: LaurieTaylorSki.co.uk
Youtube: Laurietski
Facebook: LaurieTaylorSki
Instagram: Laurietaylorski
Twitter: Laurietaylorski